Open Pedagogy Praxis

This week’s focus for OpenLearning17 has been Open Pedagogy. Co-directors Amy Nelson and Shelli Fowler have provided an engaging array of readings and activities that have inspired some great dialogue (don’t miss today’s Twitter chat at #OpenLearning17). Inspired by all that I’ve been reading this week, I talked with a colleague here in my library about our “Roadmap to Research” course (a face-to-face, 2-credit class) and how we might be able to fold in some open pedagogy praxis. We also need to be thinking about how to move this course into an online environment and the whole OpenLearning17 cMOOC experience is helping me think about what that could look like.

I have been especially inspired by Robin DeRosa’s Extreme Makeover: Pedagogy Edition and am thinking about how we might have students collaboratively create the learning outcomes for the course. I am excited about the possibilities and wish that I were the one teaching it next, but perhaps I can focus on what the course could look like in an online environment while others are teaching the F2F class.

As I said in Wednesday’s Twitter chat, I was never trained to teach (many MLIS programs have “user education” courses, but those are often not required), so I am a clean slate, with no formal training to undo. This lack of training has always seemed a hindrance to me, but after reading Amy’s interview with Shelli about Contemporary Pedagogy at Virginia Tech, I now realize that it might be a gift. I have only habits to break (that’s easy right?).

So Amy and Shelli, thank you for an inspiring week! See you in the Twitter chat.


3 Replies to “Open Pedagogy Praxis”

  1. You are so welcome! It’s very cool to think about librarians incorporating open pedadogy into their work – I think not having formal “training” as teacher will actually be a plus! Anyway, I’m eager to see where this takes you. Also, you get the “Level-Up” Rock Star tweeter award for the week. 🙂

  2. I agree that this week’s readings, etc. were excellent (as were the readings, etc. during the week that you and Maha facilitated–meant to say that a week ago!). I also appreciate your comments about open pedagogy and libraries. Great resource for faculty and students looking to learn more about open pedagogy or see it in action!

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